Mahmoud Yakut is an Egyptian photographer, born September 1981. His work focuses mainly on documentary and environmental photography.
"Photography is a way to paint my visions of life, as a way to freeze a moment in time for eternity, a special moment where random elements of life detach themselves from the messy reality and come together in a defined space to form a glance of harmony. As a photographer, I have to be vigilant of these moments, to try to isolate these fragments of poetry when they come together", Mahmoud Yakut.
"My Revolution Diaries" exhibition 2011, Alexandrina (Egypt) and Athens (Greece).
"North/South" exhibition 2013, Göthe Institut, Alexandria (Egypt).
"River Tales" exhibition 2013-2015, Alexandria (Egypt), Khartoum (Sudan), Dessau (Germany), Addis Foto Fest, African Union (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia).
Lense Culture Portrait Awards 2015, Finalist.
Honorable mention, Siena International Photo Award 2016.

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